Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training in Physical Therapy: The Ultimate Guide to Using BFR Training to your Advantage
Blood flow restriction (BFR) training, a technique that has been utilized for over five decades, revolves around the innovative method of partially restricting arterial blood flow to the limbs while completely occluding the return of venous blood. This specialized approach significantly elevates the oxygen demand in the muscles during physical activity, leading to a greater accumulation of metabolic byproducts, which together enhance muscle fatigue and promote hypertrophy. By manipulating blood flow, BFR training allows individuals to achieve substantial strength and muscle growth with lighter weights, making it a valuable tool for rehabilitation, endurance sports, and enhancing overall athletic performance
3 Ways You Could Benefit From PT
As our society and healthcare system evolve, more and more people have made the mental shift to a proactive, preventative approach to their own health care as opposed to the old model of retro-active, “treat only what is broken” approach. Physical therapists are ideally suited to provide this type of preventative care. Read our blog to uncover 3 specific ways you could benefit from working with a physical therapist even if you do not have an injury or pain.