
Ice Packs: Do They Do More Harm Than Good?

We all know the old adage of RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) for the management of acute injuries. But new research is kicking RICE to the curb. Ice may actually be causing more harm than good. Read our blog to learn more and the new mnemonic that is trying to take the place of RICE.

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5 Supplements You Should Consider If You Take Your Health and Longevity Seriously 

If you have spent time working out in a gym or have started an exercise routine and plan to improve your health and performance, you have undoubtedly been exposed to the supplement industry. Supplements are a tricky topic in the conversation around health and fitness. Should you take them? What should you take? What supplements are worth it? We answer those questions and provide you with 5 supplements that we believe have sufficient evidence behind them to be worthy of taking if you are serious about optimizing your health and longevity in this month’s blog. Click here to read our blog to learn more.

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3 Ways You Could Benefit From PT

As our society and healthcare system evolve, more and more people have made the mental shift to a proactive, preventative approach to their own health care as opposed to the old model of retro-active, “treat only what is broken” approach. Physical therapists are ideally suited to provide this type of preventative care. Read our blog to uncover 3 specific ways you could benefit from working with a physical therapist even if you do not have an injury or pain.

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How to Hydrate for Optimal Health and Performance

The official start of summer is right around the corner! As the warmer weather and summer months are upon us, more and more exercise will be happening outside. This is a great time to provide a reminder on the importance of properly hydrating for exercising out in the summer heat. Not hydrating effectively can also have detrimental effects on our physical and mental performance. If you don’t want to let your performance suffer as you transition more of your training outside, check out this month’s blog article to learn how to properly hydrate for health and performance.

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